Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fashion and Beauty Horrors!! Part 1

Well, yeah beauty is in the eye of the beholder and taste varies, oo el jamal howa jamal el roo7,and yada yada yada

But that applies to beauty that GOD has created, that I can't even dare to talk about or judge, because I truly believe every1 is pretty if they know how to work what god gave them

But when it comes to man-made fashion and man-made beauty, well, how can I say this, SWEETY AM GONNA TALK AND JUDGE ALL I WANT...

After all it is our eyes that are being harmed by some of those horrific trends!

You go ahead, you are free to wear what you want, and am free to make fun of it..Bleh!

So first up: Fashion horrors!

The Tight Abbayas

You know which abayas am talking about. The one so tight that you could see the girl's bra strip, (and am not even joking about that).

Yes once upon a time, they were in fashion, but that was so long ago I cant even remember when, I think I was still in school.

Anyhow those days are gone, tight abayas now are just plain cheap, the moment I see a girl wearing those one piece, body fit abayas I come up with the following conclusions:

1) She is cheap 2) She has no taste 3) She doesnt wear abayas and she has only this once since 9 years

Burn them, throw them, do anything with them but dont wear them!

The Hijabi Emo

Now I couldnt post a real photo of those, even though if I went to city center I will find tons of them, but you know I dont want to go to jail for posting their photos.

Anyhow I have notting against emos, infact I love the hair cuts and sometimes their sense of fashion, WHAT I DONT LIKE, is those fake wanna-be emos you see in the malls dressed up as if they are emos but wearing a shilla with that. YUCK, just YUCK!

See babe either lose the emo style or lose the shella, and having sad that y3ni akeed you should lose the style, it is just not working for you with the shella.

Miss Matchy-Matchy

Now those are VERY common.
You will be walking down the street minding your own bizz, and then BOOM, you are struck with a thunder of red color or orange color or blue color
Here it goes: the only thing that would be of another color is the abaya, being black ofcourse. Everything else is the same color in the god damn same shade!
Orange shella, orange lipstick, orange eye shadow, orange necklace(on top of the abaya, mind you) orange bracelet, orange nail polish, orange bag, and akeed orange shoes!

To those girls the concept of mix and match doesnt apply, all they do is match and match and then match a bit more and then match it all over, and itsnt even matching, because matching isnt wearing the same color in the same shade, I dont know wt it is called

Color blind perhaps?!

Circus Fashion

Ahhh my fave *heart, heart*
Those are the opposite of the matchy-matchy, those girls believe that they have to wear every color in the rainbow in the same outfit, even if those colors were at the end of the specturm and dont "match"

They also believe alot in "layering". They start with say a yellow full sleeves body, on top of that they will wear an orange vest, on top of that a different shade orange cardiagn. They team it up with skinny jeans, on top of it a yellowish patterned mini skirt, and some red warmers and brown boots and pink accessories and a green shella.

or something like that, you get the picture

You will probably catch her with a fake chanel bag and a fake kuwaiti accent aswell -yeah you know who they are-

That's it for know, behold for the next part of fashion and beauty horros
Until then, wear some shades and protect your eyes


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