Wednesday, August 10, 2011

TaLyan Loves Fashionable, Fierce Strong women!

I believe beauty isn't having a great set of genes

I believe beauty is knowning how to work what god gave you, perfect or imperfect!

See I dont fancy a women who is err natrually pretty but doesnt know how to dress, doesnt trim her brows, doesnt know how to walk and talk! Seriously and some people call that "real beauty"

Well, BITE ME...

I also believe personality plays a great role in beauty, and no am not talking about pretending to be a goody two shoes with a big kind heart and a sweet as honey personality fake act

Am talking about women with unique strong personality, who are well "real" when it comes to their personality..

anyhow enough chit chat,

Let me share with you some photos of women who I think are fashionable, fierce strong and know how to work what god gave them!

 Anglina Jolie
well, I mean seriously who can disagree?!


"I find flaws attractive. I find scars attractive."
Angelina Jolie

The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can't have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I'd rather not be in a cage. I'd rather be dead. And it's real simple. And I think it's not that uncommon. Angelina Jolie

"If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me."
Angelina Jolie

Ivanka Trump

Lady GaGa
A fashion hero, a strong fierce woman!

"Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore."
Lady Gaga

live your eyeliner, breathe your lipstick, and kill for each other
-Lady Gaga via twitter"
Lady Gaga

"It's cooler to be strong."
Lady Gaga


And akeed from the gulf: Shujoon and Haya

There is notting more sexy than a woman who is strong, confident and accomplished.
There is nothing more fashionable than a woman who dresses up in her own style
There is nothing more eye catching than a woman who isnt afraid of her own flaws

There is nothing more unattractive than a weak woman..


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